If you want to remove odors from the refrigerator, the first step is to defrost it. If you have not time for this, you can try to remove bad smells by putting a little ground coffee, baking soda or vanilla.
Where does the refrigerator odor come from
An opened yogurt cup, an old milk box, or even fruits and vegetables begin to smell at some time in the refrigerator. Sometimes, if you do not clean the refrigerator for a long time, or if you haven’t set the right temperature (4 degrees Celsius is ideal) bacteria and mold can easily occur inside your fridge and will start to smell bad. The whole story sounds extremely unpleasant! Here are a few tricks that will help you get rid of odors in the refrigerator.
What you can do: The first thing you need to do is to empty the fridge of all food and to throw the suspicious one. Checks the expiration dates on jars and containers.
Take out all the removable compartments and wash them all before you put them back. Clean the refrigerator walls and rub with a brush the inaccessible areas.
Cheap cleaning solutions
You can clean the refrigerator with baking soda. Mix ¼ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of warm water. Another option is to mix equal parts vinegar with water. Both versions remove odors from the refrigerator efficiently.
Freshly ground coffee. Put a small bowl with ground coffee in the fridge and keep it 24 hours; it will absorb odors from the refrigerator immediately.
Vanilla. Soak a cotton pad in vanilla essence and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Baking soda. Put a tbsp of baking soda on a plate and put it in the refrigerator. Keep it closed a few hours to fully absorb odors from the refrigerator.
Orange slices. Oranges eliminate almost any odor. Take 6 orange slices and put them on a bowl inside the refrigerator.
Lemon. Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Lemons are natural air fresheners and quickly neutralize any odor, especially the smell of garlic and fish.
How to prevent bad odors from the refrigerator
1. Clean the refrigerator once a week. Check the expiry date on the jars with sauces, dairy, mustard etc and throw everything is old.
2. Make sure you close all the containers in the refrigerator so the smell does not spread.
3. If you spill something in the refrigerator, clean the area immediately before the fluid reaches the less accessible areas; moreover, bacteria multiply rapidly.
4. Organize your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. Do not put fruits and vegetables combined. For example, bananas contain a substance called ethylene that speeds the ripening of the fruit and vegetables sitting next.
5. Make sure air circulates in the refrigerator – don’t stuff the food and keep an optimal temperature.
6. Defrost the refrigerator and clean it regularly.
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