Drainage pipes can be affected by mold and unpleasant odors, especially when the weather is very warm or rainy. Deodorizing sprays are useful to cover these unpleasant odors, but they are not a long-term solution because they don’t treat the cause.

Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that are equally useful, which we can prepare at home with inexpensive ingredients.

All you have to do is combine baking soda with white vinegar. These two organic ingredients will kill mold, eliminate grease deposits and remove any other substances that cause unpleasant odors.


  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 1 cup of white vinegar
  • ½ l of hot water


First, put the water to boil until it reaches the simmering point.

As soon as it starts to boil, add the white vinegar and mix well.

In the meantime, pour baking soda onto the drain pipe you want to clean.

Pour the hot water mixture and white vinegar on the drain so that it combines well with baking soda.

You will immediately notice an effervescent reaction. (Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal for this to happen.)

Cover the leak for an hour to prevent the ingress of water or any other substance.

To get the best possible results, let the mix act at overnight.

Apply this trick at least once a week to prevent bad drainage odor. 

As you can see, you don’t have to spend large amounts of money to keep the drain pipes clean and away from unpleasant odors. In addition, the trick presented above allows you to avoid the use of aggressive chemicals that are harmful to the environment.

Image Credits: Totallyhomeimprovement