Along with winter snow often comes white salt stains on boots. Since genuine leather is easier to clean and to remove certain stains from it, I can’t say the same thing about suede or UGG. Although, both leather types must be cleaned immediately after they got into contact with snow, otherwise the leather will dry, crack or disintegrate over time. But, suede is still more demanding than regular leather. If you can easily clean salt stains from leather boots with vinegar, I can’t say the same thing when it comes to suede. Applying vinegar on suede will remove salt stains but also will wind up discoloration. I presume that you don’t want that!
However, there are other clever tricks you can use to remove salt stains on suede without damaging the boot. And trick is not taking the boots to a cobbler!
Items Needed:
- microfiber cloth
- soft toothbrush
- cold water
- liquid dish soap
1. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe away as much salt residue as possible.
2. Lightly brush the suede with a toothbrush along the salt lines. Don’t be rough or you may damage the suede texture — use just enough pressure to dislodge any remaining salt.
3. If the stain persists, combine 1 cup cold water and three drops liquid dish soap in a bowl. Dab the corner of a white cloth with the soapy water and spot test an inconspicuous place on your shoes for colorfastness.
4. If the dye doesn’t transfer, go ahead and dab at the stained areas with soapy water until the stain is gone. Don’t rub, or you may lift off dye and ruin the nap of the suede.
5. Dry the shoe away from heat and light. Once dry, check again for stains and repeat the steps above if needed.
6. Very lightly buff with a dry washcloth or soft-bristled toothbrush to restore the suede’s texture.
7. Prevent future stains by applying a suede protector at least once per winter season.