Cleaning a coffee machine might be quite difficult if you don’t know where to start. However, with just some simple cleaning instructions, you should be able to accomplish this quite easily. Especially if you are using just one common household ingredient such as vinegar. I personally like to use vinegar because I find it too be quite disinfectant and very effective to remove stains, musty taste, and odors. And the coffee machine definitely faces those issues after using it for a while. Not to mention, vinegar is natural and not toxic so there is no downside to using this as a cleaner by its own. Keep reading and see the simplest cleaning instructions for using vinegar on a coffee machine.
1. First of all, let’s see how to clean the coffee machine on the inside:
Prepare the mixture of two parts water to one part vinegar in a bowl.
Make sure to stir it very well to make it fairly uniform.
Pour it into the coffee machine’s reservoir to fill it completely.
Start the coffee machine to brew a full pot, as you would normally do.
Once the cycle is finished, turn off the machine and let it cool for 10 minutes.
Get rid of the mixture.
Lastly, run another cycle through the coffee machine with water only. That’s how you will rinse out the vinegar solution.
2. Secondly, cleaning the coffee machine on the outside:
Fill a spray bottle with undiluted vinegar.
Dampen a cotton cloth with a few sprays of vinegar.
Then, start wiping all of the outside surfaces of your coffee machine.
If there are any hard areas to reach, you could use a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.
3. Lastly, cleaning the coffee pot
Sometimes the coffee pot has more stubborn stains. Thus, fill it with vinegar and let it sit for four hours.
Then, fill your sink with liquid dishwasher and warm water and sink the coffee pot inside.
Let it sit there for a few minutes and then start wiping the coffee pot using a sponge.
Finally, rinse the coffee pot under clean water and dry it down with a dish towel.